Acupuncture, Diet, Fatigue, Health, Natural Health
Based on research, longevity can be controlled, to some extent through the way one lives life. While food selection is foundational for health, it’s important to realize that certain lifestyle choices have an equal if not greater impact. The best way to live a long...
Evidence-based Medicine, Fatigue, Heart Health, Lyme Disease
Time Again To Think About Ticks And Lyme Disease Due to our warmer weather recently, with above average temperatures, we are already getting reports of tick infestation especially on our patients’ pets. Also, the increase in food sources and that they like to...
Fatigue, Naturopathic Physician
Adrenal Fatigue Are you constantly tired? Do you feel like everything is a chore? Do you get irritated/bothered easily by others? Do you feel tired even after long hours of sleep? Have you been using caffeine and/or any other stimulant to make it through the day? Do...
Evidence-based Medicine, Fatigue, Functional Medicine
Vitamin D deficiency Are you feeling achy and tired? …Do you feel low and miss the sunshine? If that is the case, you are probably in need of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that plays an important role in our bodies’ health. Its synthesis...
Acupuncture, Evidence-based Medicine, Fatigue, Health, Men’s Health and Hormone Balance, Natural Health, Stress
Stevie Nicks is not the only one with CFS – Fatigue: A 21st Century Health Epidemic German Scientist, Dr Robert Kosch discovered cholera in 1876. A bacteria that led to the illness of millions over the centuries of humanity. A mere 133 years later we have...