Medical Minute with SOPHIA
Every week, we will bring you new videos on trending topics in Acupuncture, Integrative Natural Medicine, Naturopathy, and more!

Medical Minute: Fire Cupping
Medical Minute with Dr. Chris: Fire CuppingThis week's medical minute features Dr. Chris demonstrating fire cupping! Fire cupping has many great benefits! It promotes blood flow, reduces pain and stiffness, helps detoxify tissues and reset muscle resting...

Medical Minute: A Lesson in Good Nutrition
Medical Minute with Dr. Ken Hoffman: A Lesson in Good NutritionGood Morning! Welcome to this week’s Medical Minute. I’m Dr. Ken Hoffman from Sophia Natural Health Center. We want to talk about good nutrition. Good nutrition promotes health while nutrient...

Medical Minute: Preventing Cancers
Medical Minute with Dr. Ken Hoffman: Preventing Cancers Hi, Dr. Ken Hoffman here from SOPHIA Natural Health Center. I’ve got one minute to show you how you can prevent cancer. And that's right because 60% of all cancers are being caused by the American...

Medical Minute: Acupuncture Happy Hour
Medical Minute with Dr. Chris: Acupuncture Happy Hour My name is Chris from Sophia Natural Health Center. This week on "Medical Minute," we will be going over our Acupuncture Happy Hour program at SOPHIA. This is a program we host every Tuesday from 5-7pm....

Medical Minute: Natural Allergy Treatments
Medical Minute with Dr. Ken Hoffman: Natural Allergy Treatments If you want to treat your allergies naturally then you need to get Quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant as well as Stinging Nettle, which balances the inflammatory responses in the body and...

Medical Minute: Lyme Disease
Medical Minute with Dr. Ken Hoffman: Lyme Disease Hi, my name is Dr. Ken Hoffman, and I am the medical director for SOPHIA Natural Health Center and also host for the radio talk show called The Natural Medicine Connection. It's on WLAD 94.1, every Saturday...