Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health, Women's Health
Some time ago, a colleague of mine recommended a wonderful book by Dr. Daniel Keown, entitled “The Spark in the Machine”. Dr. Keown is both an MD and Acupuncturist. The premise of his book is that human embryological development explains the creation and architecture...
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health
This is probably the most often asked question by patients. Or…”why are you needling my hand when the pain is in my back?” This is a great question, but can have a simple or more complex answer.The simple answer, as told to me by my mentors is, “When you turn the...
Health, Medicinal Herbs, Natural Health, Nature, Stress
3 Different But Proven Reasons To Take TurmericWhen most of us hear the word Turmeric (Curcumin), we think about two things – inflammation and pain. However, what many of us don’t know is this – Curcumin should be prescribed for many other reasons. To date, there are...