Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health, Women's Health
Some time ago, a colleague of mine recommended a wonderful book by Dr. Daniel Keown, entitled “The Spark in the Machine”. Dr. Keown is both an MD and Acupuncturist. The premise of his book is that human embryological development explains the creation and architecture...
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health
This is probably the most often asked question by patients. Or…”why are you needling my hand when the pain is in my back?” This is a great question, but can have a simple or more complex answer.The simple answer, as told to me by my mentors is, “When you turn the...
Acupuncture, Health, Natural Health
Have You Ever Heard About ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)? Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, this is a rare neurological disorder that effects the nerves. The condition when broken down, means lack of nourishment (trophic) to the muscles (myo). ALS affects nerve...
Acupuncture, Health, Natural Health
My brief time at SOPHIA Natural Health Center has been inspiring, illuminating and satisfying! One category of people, however, is notably missing. “Where are our healthy patients?!” Traditional Chinese Medicine is historically designed as a preventative medicine. A...
Acupuncture, Back Pain, Natural Health, Pain
Pain is the number one chief complaint in our clinic. Why is that? There is a traditional Chinese saying which states: “If there is free flow, there is no pain. If there is pain, there is no free flow.”Free flow relates to movement of qi and blood, which move...