How Acupuncture Supports Cancer

How Acupuncture Supports Cancer

How Acupuncture Supports Cancer When it comes to choosing “Alternative medicine” therapies in conjunction with Cancer treatments, there are a plethora of options. When choosing a right therapy, one must look at the research literature for assistance. The one treatment...
Tick Season is Coming Soon: What to Do?

Tick Season is Coming Soon: What to Do?

Spring is here which makes most people happy and excited about being able to enjoy outdoor activities because of the nicer weather. However, with the warm weather also comes an increased number of ticks and since we are in Connecticut, where Lyme disease was first...
General Health & Wellness Testimonial

General Health & Wellness Testimonial

I came to SOPHIA on December 2018, to improve my general health & wellness. I knew deep down that I could be feeling better than I was despite the fact that I felt I was doing everything right health wise. I now feel more energetic with no more nagging shoulder...
Back Pain Testimonial

Back Pain Testimonial

Back & Joint Pain After many years of daily jogging, 7-12 miles a day it took a toll on my back and joints. Jogging became impossible and I started playing golf. After walking 9 holes my back would bother me. After several months of treatments, I no longer suffer...
Self Care

Self Care

Are you taking care of yourself? As we all know, life happens! And life comes with a lot of challenges, stressors but also good positive things. Even though we might want things to always be positive and good; unfortunately, we cannot control that. What we can control...

The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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