Acupuncture, Back Pain, Natural Health, Pain
Pain is the number one chief complaint in our clinic. Why is that? There is a traditional Chinese saying which states: “If there is free flow, there is no pain. If there is pain, there is no free flow.”Free flow relates to movement of qi and blood, which move...
Chinese medicine, Natural Health, Pain, Successes
Back & Joint Pain After many years of daily jogging, 7-12 miles a day it took a toll on my back and joints. Jogging became impossible and I started playing golf. After walking 9 holes my back would bother me. After several months of treatments, I no longer suffer...
Evidence-based Medicine, Natural Health, Pain
It’s not uncommon that the long winter days and the cold damp weather can leave you feeling stuck at home and with the mopes. But don’t quite grab for that antidepressant just yet. There are many natural solutions that will put some pep in your step. After being in...
Back Pain, Natural Health, Pain
Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Oriental Medicine for Injury Rehab and Relief After sustaining an injury, the healing process goes through two stages. The first is called the acute stage and...
Acupuncture, Natural Health, Pain
Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Reduce Migraine and Headache Pain with Acupuncture More than 45 million Americans (one in six) suffer from chronic headaches, 20 million of whom are women....