Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health, Women's Health
Some time ago, a colleague of mine recommended a wonderful book by Dr. Daniel Keown, entitled “The Spark in the Machine”. Dr. Keown is both an MD and Acupuncturist. The premise of his book is that human embryological development explains the creation and architecture...
Natural Health, Thermography, Women's Health
While preventing breast cancer is not an absolute, lowering your risks is an ideal way to do the best you can to stay healthy. Eating a healthy diet, consistent activity and movement, adequate sun exposure or optimizing your vitamin D levels, and effectively managing...
Natural Health, Women's Health
Qi Mail™ The Acupuncture Newsletter May 2018 Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Women’s Health Issues Everyone wants to be healthy in order to enjoy a sense of well-being and have the best...
Natural Health, Thermography, Women's Health
Do you know that about 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected through a breast self – exam? That’s the reason why breast self-exam remains as a key method in the diagnosis of breast cancer and with October, breast cancer awareness month, right around the...
Natural Health, Thermography, Women's Health
BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH 31 DAYS OF RAISING AlNARENESS THROUGH THERMOGRAPHY SCREENING At the SOPHIA Natural Health Center, your Thermography Screening provider, we focus on breast health 365 days of the year. Breast Cancer is PREVENTABLE, meaning...
Thermography, Women's Health
Breast Cancer statistics are staggering in our country with a rate of 1 in 8 women being afflicted in their lifetime. Yet only 5-10 percent of all cancers are inherited. During this month, Sophia Natural Health Center would like to focus on Breast Cancer Awareness...