Health, Medicinal Herbs, Natural Health, Nature, Stress
3 Different But Proven Reasons To Take TurmericWhen most of us hear the word Turmeric (Curcumin), we think about two things – inflammation and pain. However, what many of us don’t know is this – Curcumin should be prescribed for many other reasons. To date, there are...
Acupuncture, Health, Natural Health
Have You Ever Heard About ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)? Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, this is a rare neurological disorder that effects the nerves. The condition when broken down, means lack of nourishment (trophic) to the muscles (myo). ALS affects nerve...
Acupuncture, Health, Natural Health
My brief time at SOPHIA Natural Health Center has been inspiring, illuminating and satisfying! One category of people, however, is notably missing. “Where are our healthy patients?!” Traditional Chinese Medicine is historically designed as a preventative medicine. A...
Chinese Dietary Therapy, Food, Health, Natural Health
As the temperature outside drops during the winter season, it is no coincidence that aspects of our lives shift towards more activities that bring us indoors generating warmth with others to balance the chill that surrounds us outside. With winter comes frost, ice,...