Chinese Medical Theory, Chinese medicine, Natural Health
Why Pulse Diagnosis is Shockingly Accurate Have you ever had your pulse taken? Most of you would say yes. However, I’m not talking about pulse rate or how fast your pulses beat. Instead, I’m talking about Traditional Eastern Medical pulse diagnosis. I’m sure...
Natural Health, Women's Health
Qi Mail™ The Acupuncture Newsletter May 2018 Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Women’s Health Issues Everyone wants to be healthy in order to enjoy a sense of well-being and have the best...
Health, Natural Health, Stress
Five Quick and Simple Stress-Releasing Techniques When the last dreary days of winter are lingering, and tax season is on the horizon, it’s hard to believe there’s a simple way to reduce stress and lift your mood. But when it comes to combating stress levels,...