Acupuncture, Chinese Medical Theory, Chinese medicine
If you have ever heard of Chinese Medicine you have probably have heard about one word – Acupuncture. However, most likely you have never learned about other simple concepts surrounding the ancient yet effective medical system. In this quick blog, you will learn three...
Acupuncture, Natural Health
Qi Mail™ The Acupuncture Newsletter January 2018 Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Overcoming Addiction with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine According to acupuncture and Oriental medicine,...
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine
Qi Mail™ The Acupuncture Newsletter October 2017 Kenneth Hoffman D.Ac(RI), L.Ac. Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7 Brookfield, CT 06784 Treatment of Skin Conditions with Acupuncture Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can be very effective at...
Acupuncture, Natural Health
The Acupuncture Evidence Project by John McDonald and Stephen Janz published their compilation of research analysis in January 2017 that show that top ailments that acupuncture is shown by clinical evidence to treat. These are not the only things that acupuncture can...