INM Success Stories
Success Stories & Testimonials…
Some life altering moments.

Migraine Testimonial
I am fifty-something years old and I’ve been a headache/ migraine sufferer for more than 40 years. I was averaging about 4-6 headaches a week and using a variety of medications to help prevent migraines as well as using pain medications when needed. I was even going...

CBD Testimonial
I have been seeing Dr. Hoffman for acupuncture for many years with great success for my neck and back issues as well as my digestive problems which, have stayed under control. However, my chronically tight muscles continued to give me problems with pain...

CB-EFFEX Testimonial
I suffered from chronic migraines and was in constant pain. I took a whole list of medications, none of which seemed to be doing much of anything. I began to experience some unwanted side effects ranging from weight gain, high blood pressure, a compromised...

Multiple Symptoms Testimonial
I started coming to SOPHIA in 2017, with a complex medical history ranging from severe intestinal spasms, lack of adequate sleep, painful neuropathy, asthma, allergies, chronic sinus infections to irregular spiking blood pressure, and resting heart rate. As a result...

ADHD Testimonial
Before coming to SOPHIA, my 14 year old son, CJ was dealing with ADHD Inattentive Type. He was always a hot mess, forgetting his homework, completely disorganized, his room was a wreck, and if he did not complete his homework, he would forget to hand it in. After...

Case Study: Anxiety and Concentration
C.W. is a 14 y.o. male that came to our clinic with various chief complaints including anxiety, difficulty concentrating in school, fatigue and irritability. Patient was brought to clinic by parents due to decreased productivity and performance in school and also...

Ruptured Aneurysm Testimonial
I survived a ruptured aneurysm in 2011, and have had subsequent surgical procedures to correct this condition. For the past several years, I have been truly suffering from debilitating headaches and near daily intractable migraines. This illness has affected my...

Low Back Pain Testimonial
Low Back Pain Prior to coming to see you at SOPHIA, I had horrible lower back pain that also went into my hips. I do have scoliosis, so I know it won’t be perfect, but the pain in my hips and tightness in my back was getting unbearable where I couldn't walk up and...

Abdominal Pain, Bloating, and Energy Testimonial
Abdominal Pain, Bloating, & Energy Before coming to SOPHIA in February 2016, I suffered for years with a “bad gut”. I had been diagnosed with hindgut inertia, an overgrowth of bacteria in my small intestine, and acid reflux. I had very painful stomach aches,...

Gas and Bloating Testimonial
I had gas and bloating after having a meal, that would take my focus off work. These symptoms limited my ability to focus on work tasks, as well as a physical practice and to be with friends. I couldn’t sleep throughout the night and was moody all the time. Moody from...

General Health & Wellness Testimonial
I came to SOPHIA on December 2018, to improve my general health & wellness. I knew deep down that I could be feeling better than I was despite the fact that I felt I was doing everything right health wise. I now feel more energetic with no more nagging shoulder...

Neck and Back Tension, Crohn’s Disease
Before coming to SOPHIA, I was experiencing a lot of back and neck tension as well as headaches. While being at SOPHIA, my needs have definitely shifted since recently being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. My treatments immediately changed as I was experiencing...

Back Pain Testimonial
Back & Joint Pain After many years of daily jogging, 7-12 miles a day it took a toll on my back and joints. Jogging became impossible and I started playing golf. After walking 9 holes my back would bother me. After several months of treatments, I no longer suffer...

Ulcerative Colitis Case Study
A.P. is a 39 year old female with various digestive complaints including bloating and gas, rectal hemorrhoids, blood and mucus in the stool, urgency and abnormal stool consistency. The patient was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2006 and has been doing...

Lyme Disease – Success
Lyme Disease I got a tick bite in October of 2018, and immediately felt every stereotypical symptom: drowsiness, fatigue, pain, headaches, and muscle aches. I thought, “I’m not going to a Western Doctor.” Because I didn’t believe that they would actually fix the...

Multiple Symptoms – Success
In 2016, I suffered a heart attack, followed by a triple bypass and diagnosis of progressive heart failure. In the same year and only 12 days after that, I became suddenly paralyzed from a ruptured abscess on my spinal cord. It was also discovered at that time that I...

Hip & Leg Pain – Success
I was dealing with intense hip/leg pain for over a year. I was taking steroids, which helped but it didn’t address the underlying problem. After going through a whole course of treatments here at SOPHIA since January 2018, the pain gradually got less, until it...

Joint Paint – Success
For 20+ years, I’ve been getting joint pain in my hips, neck, shoulders, and thumbs. I was also having sciatica pain running down my back into my legs which had restricted me from doing daily activities. Since receiving treatments in February of 2018, the pain is...

Stomach Issues – Success
Before coming to SOPHIA in April 2018, I was struggling with stomach issues related to leaky gut which included chronic constipation, bloating, and joint pain in my wrists and thumbs. I feel much better. The combination of treatments, nutritional guidance, lifestyle...

Fatigued – Success
Before coming to SOPHIA in August 2018, I was feeling tired, no energy, felt drained and even after sleeping 6-7 hours, I was still exhausted, and experiencing back pain. Now… life is so much better- not totally where I’d like to be but certainly on my way. Now after...