Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health, Women's Health
Some time ago, a colleague of mine recommended a wonderful book by Dr. Daniel Keown, entitled “The Spark in the Machine”. Dr. Keown is both an MD and Acupuncturist. The premise of his book is that human embryological development explains the creation and architecture...
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Health
This is probably the most often asked question by patients. Or…”why are you needling my hand when the pain is in my back?” This is a great question, but can have a simple or more complex answer.The simple answer, as told to me by my mentors is, “When you turn the...
Chinese medicine, Natural Health, Pain, Successes
Back & Joint Pain After many years of daily jogging, 7-12 miles a day it took a toll on my back and joints. Jogging became impossible and I started playing golf. After walking 9 holes my back would bother me. After several months of treatments, I no longer suffer...
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Natural Health
Have you ever wondered “What is that herbal aroma I smell in the air when I walk into SOPHIA Natural Health Center?” That herbal scent is from an herb called Moxa. Moxa is a spongy herb also known as Mugwort. Mugwort can be found locally growing during the...
Acupuncture, Back Pain, Chinese medicine, Natural Health
When we think about strong medicine, we think about drugs. A sharp headache can be curbed with an over the counter NSAID or Tylenol. Within 15 minutes, that headache will feel better if not gone. In addition, a common painkiller such as an Opiod will ease intense...
Chinese medicine, Natural Health
Cold and flu season is upon us. Everywhere you look there are over-the-counter cold and flu products being advertised to keep you safe from the lurking ailments that may afflict you. Flu vaccinations are being offered left and right. When you head out for errands, it...