The body changes. Every decade there are new challenges and if we can know what’s happening, we can “go with the flow”.

The challenges with exercise over 60 is primarily related to having the proper nutrient and trace mineral levels for repair and restoration after training. Unfortunately, digestion changes, and you may not absorb in the same way you used to when you were younger. Additionally, anti-inflammatory therapy can be very valuable.

For women, hormone deficiencies lead to injury as well. So avoid hormones in meats and other foods, stay away from unfermented soy as a protein source, eat lots of whole foods especially fruits and veggies, good fats and quality grass pasture proteins. Stay well hydrated and get plenty of sleep as that is when the body restores itself.

Assuming that you have appropriate amounts of protein and a decent diet, generally speaking, helpful supplements would be:

Total Essentials Packs– chock full of trace minerals, essential fats and antioxidants
Methyl B Plus– added spectrum of vitamin B in its most beneficial form to aid in detoxification and stress support
Curcu Max– Curcumin based anti-inflammatory therapy
Probiotic– For good gut health and intestinal absorption
Orthomolecular’s CollaGen– regenerates soft tissue aids in build and repair
CB Effex– for aches and pains, sleep and is also a mild anti-inflammatory.

Older adults need to get just as much, if not more, of some nutrients, all while eating fewer calories. Fortunately, eating a variety of whole foods and taking a supplement can help you meet your nutrient needs.

Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, DACM, L.Ac. is the Medical Director for SOPHIA Natural Health Center in Brookfield, CT . He has serviced thousands of patients in his clinic which is one of the busiest wellness clinics in CT, combining the traditional healing arts of Chinese medicine and Naturopathic medicine with modern science. Dr. Hoffman is also host of the radio talk show, “The Natural Medicine Connection”, Fairfield County’s only health talk radio show, every Saturday from 10-11 am. You can also visit his website or call his office for a free consultation at 203-740-9300 and

The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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