Latest Past Events

The 6 Dynamics of Health and Longevity


"The 6 Dynamics of Health and Longevity" an upcoming lecture on February 13 will be held exclusively at the Danbury Library.


Chinese Medicine: Understanding Your Pattern Diagnosis

Sophia Presents: Chinese Medicine: Understanding Your Pattern Diagnosis Chinese Medicine is the oldest medical system in the world dating back 4,000 years and has been proven to benefit a number of common health problems by addressing the root cause. By the end of the program, you will learn and receive a print out of what your […]


An Integrative Medicine Approach to Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, DACM, Medical Director of SOPHIA Natural Health Center, will present a lecture on an Integrative medicine approach to preventing cardiovascular disease. It involves looking at present conventional testing options and their strengths and weaknesses. He will also introduce novel testing that detects early risk factors that can be influenced positively through diet and […]

The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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