Latest Past Events

Free Workshop on Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy

SOPHIA Natural Health Center 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield

“Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy: A Home Stress & Pain Reduction System” Trigger points lead to an increase in muscle stiffness and tenderness and a decrease in range-of-motion. In addition, the discomfort from Trigger points can radiate (called referral pain.) Trigger points can cause symptoms not normally associated with muscular symptoms, such as sweating, ringing in the ears, […]

How To Fill A Natural Medicine Cabinet: The Essentials Everyone Should Have!

SOPHIA Natural Health Center 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield

How To Fill A Natural Medicine Cabinet:  The Essentials Everyone Should Have! In this FIRST EVER OFFERED lecture, Dr. Ken Hoffman will share what he’s got in his personal family medicine cabinet, what those natural supplements and products are, what uses they have and how to administer and use them for yourself and your family! […]

SAVE YOUR FAMILY’S LIFE – An Integrative Natural Medicine Approach

New Morning Market 129 Main Street N, Woodbury

SAVE YOUR FAMILY’S LIFE –  An Integrative Natural Medicine Approach. Dr. Ken will present a lecture “Save Your Family’s Life”. This presentation covers the basics that all families should be aware of in order to raise a healthy family in today’s environment: Nutrition, Environmental Toxicity, Exercise and Proper Function. From the birth process to high school sports, […]


The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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