Thank You for Being There

Thank You for Being There

Thank You for Being There   Hi Dr. Ken & the SOPHIA Natural Health Team,   I just wanted to thank you for being my “sanctuary” on Tuesday night after the violent storm ripped through Brookfield. As I was stuck on Federal Road with no passable way back to...
Lack Of Energy – Success

Lack Of Energy – Success

Renewed Energy I was feeling sluggish, scattered, unfocused, down, and a little depressed. I was also nervous about my diagnosis of high triglycerides and cholesterol levels. I now feel happy, focused, good, and less anxious! I’m able to focus on my breathing and...
Lyme Disease – Success Using Cowden Protocol

Lyme Disease – Success Using Cowden Protocol

 Cowden protocol, an herbal combination of drops taken four times a day         For about a year I have been experiencing joint pain- especially in the shoulders, fatigue, tingling in hands and feet, leg cramps especially at night. I had passed all of these symptoms...
Seasonal Allergies – Success

Seasonal Allergies – Success

Seasonal Allergies   Before coming to SOPHIA, my twelve-year-old son, Mason, suffered from seasonal allergies every spring. He would get itchy, watery and crusty eyes, stuffy nose, and eventually start coughing. He would take an over-the-counter allergy...
Severe Back Pain – Success

Severe Back Pain – Success

Prior to walking in the door a month ago, I was in severe pain due to spine surgery. The aftereffects have been awful muscle spasms, nerve damage, pain, and overall weakness. At times, I found myself being in a depressing mental state. These symptoms have been with me...

The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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