Latest Past Events

Safer, Healthier Breast Screenings for the Month of October

Choose Safer, Healthier Breast Screenings With No Radiation Medical Infrared Thermography Statistically, Infrared Thermography detects risk factors 8 years earlier than a mammogram. It is safe, painless, non-invasive and has no contact with the individual.* With our state-of-the-art camera, our clinic specializes in Women's Health, natural hormone balancing and natural treatments for reversing suspicious concerns.* […]

Dr. Ken Hoffman will present “Chinese Medicine and Women’s Health”.

Gunn Memorial Library 5 Wykeham Road, Washington

Chinese Medicine & Women's Health On Thursday, August 4 at 6:30 p.m. Kenneth Hoffman, medical director and founder of Sophia Natural Health Center in Brookfield, CT presents "Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Women's Health." Dr. Ken will speak about holistic approaches and natural alternatives to women's health related to anti-aging, hormone imbalances, menopause, osteoporosis, heart […]


The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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