Latest Past Events

New Fairfield Senior Center – Chinese Dietary Therapy

New Fairfield Senior Center 33 Route 37, New Fairfield

Christopher Maslowski, L.Ac., will present a lecture at the New Fairfield Senior Center: “Chinese Dietary Therapy”. Learn how food can transform your health!   A number of ancient Chinese cookbooks and treatises on food (now lost) display an early Chinese interest in food, but no known focus on its medical value. The literature on "nourishing […]

Learn the health benefits of tea – Chinese Tea Culture

SOPHIA Natural Health Center 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield

Learn the health benefits of tea. Dr. Bruce presents the Chinese Tea Culture The Way of Tea Dr. Bruce will introduce you to the Chinese Tea Culture and explain various teas and their healing/medicinal properties. He'll also demonstrate the art of making tea. Come prepared to taste! Various teas will be available for purchase! "The […]


Way of the Tea

SOPHIA Natural Health Center 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield

Dr. Bruce will introduce you to the Chinese Tea Culture and explain various teas and their healing/medicinal properties. He'll also demonstrate the art of making tea. Come prepared to taste! Various teas will be available for purchase! Where: SOPHIA Natural Health Center, 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804 Cost:  Free for current patients. $50 […]


The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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