Cupping refers to an ancient Chinese practice in which a cup is applied to the skin. Today, cupping is mainly recommended for the treatment of pain, stress relief and lung issues (mostly chronic cough and asthma).
Christopher Maslowski, L.Ac., Associate Acupuncturist of SOPHIA Natural Health Center in Brookfield, will demonstrate Cupping techniques on several guests, and you will have the opportunity to practice on each other.
This is a “hands-on” workshop. Wear comfortable clothing and please bring a partner to practice with! Reservations Required!
Saturday, September 15th, 2018
When: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Where: SOPHIA Natural Health Center, 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT
Cost: FREE!
RSVP: Call our office at 203-740-9300
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