If you are interested in taking charge of your health, learning more about an over 2,500 year old medical practice and meeting like-minded people, join us! The group will meet once a month (on the 3rd Saturday), at the SOPHIA Natural Health Center in Brookfield. Each month a new topic will be discussed from a traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise, dietary therapy, health secrets and tips. We’ll de-mystify the oldest medical system in the world and you’ll learn how you can restore your health naturally and successfully. An additional Q&A session at the end will be for any questions you may have!
Chinese Medicine De-Demystified
Meet New People!
Discuss Interesting Topics Once A Month!
Call to reserve your space!
31 Old Route 7
Brookfield, CT 06804
Web: inm.center
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