Acupuncture, Diet, Fatigue, Health, Natural Health
Based on research, longevity can be controlled, to some extent through the way one lives life. While food selection is foundational for health, it’s important to realize that certain lifestyle choices have an equal if not greater impact. The best way to live a long...
Allergies, Diet, Inflammation
What is gluten? Most people have heard of gluten as the term “gluten-free”. It has become more popular in recent years. You will see this term put on the labels of food packages and even on menus at restaurants. People ask the question of whether to go...
Diet, Fermented Foods, Food, Natural Health, Tea
Kombucha is a specially prepared tea that is made by fermenting usually green or black tea using a culture of yeast and bacteria. Adding sugar and tea to the culture allows the fermentation process to begin with the end product being a tasty beverage that...