Chinese Dietary Therapy, Food, Health, Natural Health
As the temperature outside drops during the winter season, it is no coincidence that aspects of our lives shift towards more activities that bring us indoors generating warmth with others to balance the chill that surrounds us outside. With winter comes frost, ice,...
Chinese Dietary Therapy, Food, Natural Health
Have You Ever Heard about Tumeric? If not, Turmeric is a plant that is within the same family as Ginger. Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma Xanthorrhiz) has been used medically for thousands of years. Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric that contains many health...
Chinese Dietary Therapy, Natural Health
Have you ever heard about Moxibustion? Moxibustion also often known as Moxa, is an herb in Chinese Medicine that has been effectively used for thousands of years.* The way Moxa works are by burning it and safely placing the heat near the skin surface. The...
Chinese Dietary Therapy, Evidence-based Medicine, Natural Health
What’s Your Diagnosis? What happens when you are not feeling well and symptoms occur? You go to the doctor to get a diagnosis. The word diagnosis comes from the Latin DIA- thorough or complete and –gnosis meaning knowledge. So the actual meaning of diagnosis is “a...