Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Natural Health
Have you ever wondered “What is that herbal aroma I smell in the air when I walk into SOPHIA Natural Health Center?” That herbal scent is from an herb called Moxa. Moxa is a spongy herb also known as Mugwort. Mugwort can be found locally growing during the...
Acupuncture, Back Pain, Chinese medicine, Natural Health
When we think about strong medicine, we think about drugs. A sharp headache can be curbed with an over the counter NSAID or Tylenol. Within 15 minutes, that headache will feel better if not gone. In addition, a common painkiller such as an Opiod will ease intense...
Acupuncture, Natural Health
Have you ever heard about “Acupuncture Happy Hour”? Most likely not. However, think of a time when you’ve gone to a restaurant during happy hour. What do you remember? Most memories include delicious food, mixed drinks and of course – the discounts. It’s an...
Acupuncture, Natural Health
“Acupuncture Happy Hour” – A WEEKLY Program! Starting Tuesday, October 23rd, we will be hosting “Acupuncture Happy Hour”. Receive a relaxing stress reduction treatment in a community setting using very gentle ear acupuncture or acupressure techniques. This...
Acupuncture, Diet, Fatigue, Health, Natural Health
Based on research, longevity can be controlled, to some extent through the way one lives life. While food selection is foundational for health, it’s important to realize that certain lifestyle choices have an equal if not greater impact. The best way to live a long...