Improve Your Health


Each year, people come up with New Year Resolutions in order to make lifestyle changes and improve their health. People decide to do more of one activity and less of another, but the hard part is getting those changes to last. Sometimes, simple changes may be best as you are not drastically altering the way you’re doing things. The following are simple ideas to easily incorporate into your daily life to improve your health in the upcoming year.


5 Simple Ways Improve Your Health

1 – Plan out 5 healthy meals for the week. You can use your favorite cookbooks or you can look for recipes online. The idea behind this is to know what you want to make earlier in the week and then go out and purchase the exact food items you need in order to have a meal each night. This is a way to get organized to make sure you are eating healthy items instead of scrambling to make something each night.


2 – Plan out a 10 minute workout to do in the morning 3-4 times per week. You can do exercises that use your own body weight without any additional equipment to work your abdomen, upper and lower bodies and can be aerobic in nature as well. Ideas for these exercises can be researched online and should be customized to your level of ability and what you want to achieve. It is fine to spend more time, but most people can afford at least 10 minutes in the morning before they hop into the shower.


Water - Sophia Natural Health3 – Drink more water. Get a glass water bottle or mug with the total amount of water you want to drink each day. Fill it in the morning and feel free to add sliced lemons, cucumbers or something similar to add some flavor. At the end of the day, make sure the water bottle is empty. It is so easy to forget to drink more water, but this will help you set a goal in the beginning of the day.


4 – Keep your stress levels down. There are different ways to accomplish this, but you want to find something that you really like to do each day and find at least 10-15 minutes to do it. It should be something that you want to do and not necessarily something that you have to do. Things like deep breathing, meditation, getting up from your chair and going for very short walks, having a manageable to-do list and being around people that generally support you are all helpful ideas to keep in mind too.


5 – Get up and go to bed around the same time every day. On the weekends you may want to sleep in a little bit, but you do not want to go to bed much later than you usually do during the week. By establishing a routine, it should help yourself fall asleep easier, get more restful sleep and help your adrenal glands function better.


Dr. Craig Pannone, ND Naturopathic Physician Dr. Craig Pannone graduated from Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in life sciences and a minor in business management. Knowing from early on that he wanted to pursue a career in naturopathic medicine, he was then accepted into the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, ON, the largest accredited naturopathic institution in North America. He graduated from CCNM with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine in 2012.

The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary. SOPHIA Natural Health Center does not guarantee certain results.

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